Certification Body

Who can become a SAS Approved Certification Body

Certification bodies that want to become SAS approved must be accredited for ISO/IEC 17065
for the relevant scope and sub-scope.

SAS signs license and certification agreements (LCA) with certification bodies that have passed
successfully the SAS internal approval process.

The agreements and the accreditation ensure a standardized high level of quality and integrity.

How to become a SAS Approved Certification Body

  1. Read the CB requirements and apply for accreditation by filling this form Application form- SAS Accreditation
  2. Pay the applicable fees when you receive an invoice.
  3. Once your application has been approved, your CB will be added to our Accreditation.
  4. All SAS CB farm auditors  are required to pass an online test and one In-house Trainer
    per CB.
  5. CB must take part in a compulsory CB Training Workshop. All CB auditors have to
    attend the SAS Auditor Training.

Who can become a SAS Auditor

  1. The Auditor must have done undergraduate/post graduate degree specialized in Agriculture
  2. The Auditor must have done certificate course of sustainability from SAS Academy.